Chairman Dennis Gdula called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 pm in the conference room of the Adams Township Municipal Building.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.


Those in attendance were Supervisors Dennis Gdula, Dennis Richards, Dan Senft , Brian Schrader and Mark Bucci, Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer ,Solicitor William Barbin, and five (5) visitors.


Mr. Gdula stated now the Public has the right and the opportunity to comment on any item from the previous meeting minutes.  None were forthcoming.


Mr. Gdula stated everyone had copies of the October 28,2024 regular meeting minutes. He asked all Board members to read the minutes.  Mr. Gdula asked for a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Senft. With all in favor, motion passed.


After discussion, Mr. Gdula stated the Treasurers Report was accepted as written. With all in favor, motion passed. The General Account Fund showed revenues received totaling $102,337.35, expenditures of $81,015.27( check # 34111 to #34146) and a balance of $779,103.44.  The Street Light Account Fund showed revenues received of $506.27 and expenditures of $5,387.61(check #1719 to #1720) and a balance of $22,556.60.  The Fire Protection and Fire Hydrant Fund showed revenues received for the hydrants of $126.00 and protection of $480.01 and expenditures of 0.00(check# #–) and a balance of $35,727.58.  The State Liquid Fuels Account Fund showed revenues of $849.23 in interest, and expenditures of $1688.20(check#849) leaving a balance of $241,660.11. The American Rescue Plan Account showed revenues of $0.60 in revenues in interest,and expenditures of $0.00(check#–); leaving a balance of $11,784.71.


PSATS news email about ARPA funds. Funds must be obligated meaning under contract or purchase order by December 31,2024. Mr. Richards said we can get rid of /use the rest of ours.


Mr. Gdula asked if the Board had any old business they would like to discuss.  None was forthcoming.


Payment of the Bills:  Mr. Gdula stated all Board Members have a copy of the bills presented for payment totaling $65,088.94 and asked them to take a few minutes to review the bills before calling for a motion to approve payment of the bills. Mr. Richards made the motion to pay all bills.  Mr. Bucci seconded this motion. With rest in favor, motion passed.

The bills are as follows:GENERALFUND: AdvancedOffice….57.55,Amtrust…4,848.00,AscandenceTruck…45.00,AT&T……296.57,BarclayElec….102.00,Bergeys…69.12,Blacks….195.00,Blues…230.00,B.Schrader…50.00,CambriaCtyBldgCodes…220.00,Cintas…36.82,Comcast….616.37,Conemaugh….94.00,CrystalPure….52.80,D.Hornbake…400.00,D.Richards….50.00,E.Pentrack….60.00,F.Brown….250.00,FHMA….132.00,FWF….672.00,GarysPainting…80.00,gworks….9,880.00,Highmark…..301.15,Highland….78.66,HiteEquipment…1,701.00,J.Nibert….60.00,Keystone…363.68,L.Neff….610.00,LongBarn….591.25,LongsEquipment….86.00,LutherPMiller….2,550.39,NAPA …783.39,Palyocsik…..131.95,Penelec….809.57,PAOneCall…22.62,P.Helsel….60.00,PetrunakAuto…..1,392.00,PitneyBowes…100.00,R.Cortese…60.00R….R.Rusnak….80.00,RelianceStandard….880.75,R.Webb…60.00,R.Lehman….60.00,R.Young….60.00,1stsummit….7,622.00,UPMC…77.60,USCleaning….745.00,Verizon….160.10,VISA….1,949.04WindberStone…274.36.

TheStateLiquidFuelsFund: Windber Stone….15,761.14.

TheStreetLightAccountFund:ATGeneralFund….13.86,Penelec….5.173.98,REA…159.50. The Fire Hydrant and Protection Fund: Highland….1,467.04,ATGeneralFund…14.40,ATGeneralFund…3.78 . The American Rescue Plan Account Fund: Innovative Tomato….2,387.50.


Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to approve 2025 tax resolution, general fund budget for 1,755,191.00 and the State Liquid Fuels 483,200.00. Mr. Richards made the motion ,second by Mr. Senft. With all in favor, motion passed. Mr.Gdula noted no increase in taxes for 2025.

Mr.Gdula made a motion to advertise that Adams Township is giving their notice of intent to appoint Kotzan CPA to do an examination of all accounts for the year of 2024. Mr. Bucci made the motion, second by Mr. Richards. With all in favor, motion passed.

Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to hire Tanner Snyder as part time police officer (was interviewed by board)provided he accepts offer of employment. Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Senft. With all in favor, motion passed.

Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to approve Reighard subdivision as approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr.Bucci.With all in favor, motion passed.

Motion to order and purchase new 2026 Peterbilt cab and chassis from Hunter Truck who is a COSTARS dealer(contract #25-101)  after discussion about which model to order. Discussion occurred about models, price; Mr. Richards asked Mr. Senft which model he was leaning toward. Mr. Senft said the Tandem 4 x 6 instead of the 4 x 4.  Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to order and purchase 2026 Peterbilt Tandem 4 x 6 cab and chassis from Hunter Truck who  is a COSTARS dealer. Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Schrader. With all in favor, motion passed.

Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to advertise and put out  for bid for truckbed,hydraulics,spreader,snowplow and other accessories after working up spec sheet. Mr. Schrader mad the motion, second by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed.

Mr.Gdula asked for a motion to approve easement with Penelec for power to new garage.Mr.Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Bucci. With all in favor, motion passed.


Kim and Ken Golias here about runoff issue from previous meeting; Mr.Gdula said he talked to Eads Group our engineer; and Mr. Golias said he meet Steve from Eads Group and they walked that area. He said Mr.Sewalk said there is a natural drainage there; but Mr. Golias said not all of water is from there. He said there is a ditch dug in certain area ; that is putting water on property ; he said in future they want to sell property . Discussion occurred on water runoff and catch basins in area; where water goes. Mr. Golias asked if that ditch could be blocked and Mr.Gdula said yes that ditch can be blocked; Mr. Golias said that is not my responsibility as we were not ones who put it there. Mr.Gdula responded no that it is not his responsibility as he believes the people who dug ditch ; did to protect their property. Mr. Golias also asked if he could use right of way access to get back to property to clean it up. Mr.Gdula answered that yes he could as it’s a right of way ;but you have to cross creek there and there are easier ways to access which the Board told him about.

Mr. Gerry Shaulis here about two issues. First, about neighbor’s fence that he said is on property line not two feet off line like it should be; he has trouble using ladder to access chimney,etc that he had talked to Solicitor Barbin before meeting since Solicitor Barbin had to leave early; he said Solicitor Barbin said couldn’t do anything after asking when this fence was put up ; Mr.Shaulis had said in 2019. Ms. Stiles from Cambria County Building Codes was present and had information that permit was approved by a former worker for the agency and she was not with the agency at that time. Solicitor Barbin had said that since this is five years later, and it was his opinion was a judge would not take this seriously; also, is new owner; cannot go after new owner. Mr.Shaulis said he asked an attorney and they said would have to go after previous owner who put fence up. Mr.Gdula asked if properties had been surveyed. Ms. Stiles and Mr.Shaulis said both properties had but she said have not seen surveys . Discussion occurred. Mr. Bucci suggested since so much time had passed and fence is there already that perhaps an agreement between Mr.Shaulis and the owner or previous owner that allows him access to the area to clean chimney,etc would be a solution. Mr.Gdula asked Ms. Stiles to contact previous owner about this ; see if it would be possible to do that. Second issue was about his property near Burley’s rink in Salix and the water runoff from gutters and creating potholes in alley and near his property there. Mr.Gdula said he had checked out the area; and usually can put pit in ; he told Mr.Shaulis and Ms. Stiles that it is not possible there as there is not room to put one in. Mr.Gdula added that he had talked to Burley’s maintenance man while there and the guy was supposed to give him a call to talk about the issue.  Discussion occurred about the gutters and why they were put in; Mr.Gdula said maintenance guy said the gutters were put on because water was freezing and doing damage to inside of building. Discussion continued ; question was asked where water would go if gutters were taken off; Mr.Shaulis said it went onto neighbor’s property there. Mr.Gdula and board said that wait until either hear back from maintenance guy from Burley’s as he wanted to resolve this; Mr.Gdula said if he didn’t hear from him he would give the man a call.


Mr. Gdula stated with no other township business to conduct he would entertain a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Richards made the motion, second by Mr. Senft.  With all in favor, motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.

Respectfully Submitted:
Jennifer Zakraysek, Secretary-Treasurer

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